09 January 2006

What to Do : I Lost My Wallet.

Take action quickly. For legal and tax purposes - keep a log of all conversations, including dates, names and phone numbers. Also note time spent and keeps receipts for any expenses incurred.

First : Place a Fraud Alert on Your Credit Account. Don’t be frustrated if you never speak to a live person.

Second : File a Police Report. Keep a copy in a safe location and make a note of the report number. You may need it in the future.

Third : If you know what’s in your wallet, start making phone calls. If you don’t know what’s in your wallet, take a breath, it's ok.

Read the straightforward information from the Identity Theft Information Center. It provides a checklist to help you remember what was in your wallet, actions to take and numbers to call.

Even if you know what’s in your wallet, I might make one more suggestion. Print the information from the Identity Theft Information Center today and put it in your household binder or with the copies you made. Don’t waste time searching for this valuable information when you really need.

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